Hacking a Fridge-Freezer

A wdf30k-921-029-ex thermostat failed on an otherwise usefull fridge freezer. I've used some high-tech home-automation techniques here to see what I can do to control the fridge by other means... The fridge is a Hotpoint, Bosch or something I can't actually tell because the label's been rubbed off. Hardware I used: - emonBase (Raspberry Pi 3B+) with server running, I'm using emonCMS from OpenEnergyMonitor.org and fitted it with a RFM2Pi module fitted to the rP 3B+. - WiFi Smartplug. I'm using a Sonoff S20 flashed with the Tasmota firmware. - emonTH with 433Mhz radio. How it works: the emonTH sends temperature data from the fridge to the emonBase via radio, the data is stored in emonCMS. The emonBase runs node-red also, and this is the home-automation software which has a 'flow' I designed which sends MQTT data to the Sonoff smartplug. The above node-red 'flow' uses the emoncms node. Alternatively I could've used an http GET request ...