
Showing posts from 2017

Studio roof build up humidity readings.

I've installed temperature and humidity sensors in my cabin. They've logged a summer's worth of data. I'll write a fuller post at some point, analysing the data in more detail, however here's the most important thing I was interested in: The temperature and humidity readings of the cabin roof buildup, in particular the outer deck of OSB. The cabin roof is been through it's second year so readings should be indicative enough of a long-term situation. I basically have a warm deck roof, OSB ontop of foil-face foam board insulation. EPDM single-ply membrane adheared to the OSB. No vapour barrier though, and a gas cooker inside. - - - EPDM OSB 50mm Foam Board Insulation Joists. Plasterboard. - - - Readings for the inner face of the OSB have not gone below 81% relative humidity the whole summer. I take a general conclusion that it's best to ventilate the OSB layer with counter battens, if timber deck is required for the outer layer...

Something about mary.

This March I refurbished a narrowboat in Hebden Bridge. I worked for a friend, Ken Boak, to achieve the conversion he wanted, adding functionality and flexibility to the space. See build photos here. Ken Boak's blog -