Batteries... Genuine Makita or cheapo import?

I recently received my Makita 10.8V drill/driver kit for $200AUD delivered. Impact Driver, Drill Driver, 2 genuine Makita batteries, charger, flashlight, and a loada bits in a drawer in a case. Handy. I bought a cheap Chinese battery pre-empting the need for one to be on charge all the time as backup. Genuine rated at 1.3Ah cheapo at 1.5Ah.. Surely that's just bollocksy ebay marketing? Genuine's got to be better. Both Batteries were fully charged, run in over light use, and fully charged again. Test 1 - Running drill continuously at full speed for 3 minutes using stopwatch. Genuine - at 50 seconds slight dip in speed, 1:20 another small dip. Still powerful at end. Ripoff - Notably Higher RPM at start. Held RPM continuously until end. Test 2 - Drilling through 2" of hardwood with 6mm HSS drill bit. Until impractical power output and automated drill cutoff (these drills have low-voltage disconnects to protect batteries). Genuine - Outl...