Exhibition Setup Detail

So about this detail. What I wanted was an interactive setup of some kind. Proximity sensing seemed like a cool idea. Ultrasonic proximity sensing is cheap, effective and simple to set up. The visualisation changing as someone approached the exhibition seemed to make sense. The flow of information eventually could be described like this: The proximity sensor was a Maxbotix LV-EZ0 which is described here . It was incredibly simple to solder and connect to the Arduino and comes in a variety of field angles i.e. narrow beam or wide beam. The Arduino sketch I used can be downloaded from here . It's a default one from the Max6 tutorial files except modified for a low baud rate (less CPU processing). Vizzie is a component of Max (version 5.1.7 or later) that is all about video control and effects. The same download above includes the Max6 patch which uses Vizzie objects. It used a simple serial read function to cross-fade between two videos. The mathematical function I us...